Tobacco Smoking and Chewing, an Invitation to Death


Tobacco smoking and chewing is dangerous habit and invitation to death. Every year our country lost thousands of people and youths due to tobacco addicts. In medical research, found that in tobacco an addictive substance is found in more quantity known as nicotine, which is a highly addictive to everyone and reduce our alertness of mind, causes fatigue and damage our liver.

Tobacco Smoking

 Tobacco smokers and chewers not only waste his money on this worst substance but invite ourselves to a harmful death. Tobacco smokers multiply the risk of cancer and heart ailments. Oral cancer, the most dreadful of all disease is caused by this tobacco. Tobacco smokers and chewers pollute the air and make our surrounding untidy.

Tobacco smokers are various health hazards not only on those who addicts but also their family members Because of this harmful smoke of tobacco. Our youth are continuing increasing to addicts tobacco and smoking which is harmful to their health and for his future.

Harmful effects of Tobacco smoking and chewing:

Harmful effects of Tobacco smoking and chewing

Mortality: Each and every Cigarette cut down the life of a person by approx. 11 minutes. So smokers drop an average of 13.2 – 14.5 years of life.

Cancer: The main risks of tobacco usage contain several forms of cancer, mainly lung cancer, kidney cancer, head and neck cancer, cancer of the throat, bladder cancer, cancer of the pancreas and stomach cancer.

Pulmonary: Smoke of Cigarette contains carbon monoxide and cyanide compounds which are responsible for pulmonary damage.  
Heart related disease: Intakes of tobacco smoke reasons many instantaneous reaction in blood vessels and heart (heart beat increases).

Impotence: It also causes impotence in males. The amount of harm is dependent upon the quantity and time of smoking.

Female infertility: it is injurious to the ovaries, potentially reason female infertility. The amount of harm is dependent upon the quantity and time of smoking.

Stress:Some studies have observed feelings of stress more time in smokers and found reduced stress after quitting.

Tobacco Smoking and Chewing an Invitation to Death
 Our society is to tried many efforts to stop the manufacture of tobacco and banned the company who produced tobacco at the large scale. Now our government also takes action towards Tobacco Companies and an agreement to those companies to paste the harmful substance on the packets of the tobacco. And fine the government who does not give a caution on the tobacco products. So now every company should give the health alert on their product. Because of this many of the population leave the habit of smoking. Company of tobacco and cigarettes hike their prices so few people are not able to buy it.

So we say “No to Tobacco and live our live tobacco free”.

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