Different Types Of Movement Of The Earth's And Their Effects

Following are the different types of the Earth movement:

Orbital motion:

The earth revolves around the sun in a particular path called its orbit. It takes 365.25 days to complete it path around the sun. The earth year is 365 days long and extra 0.25 days added after every fourth year.

Different types of movement of the earth's and their effects

The shape of orbit is not circular, it like an oval shape. The distance from sun varies during the motion. The earth is closest to the sun in January about 91.4 million miles. It is farthest away from sun in July about 95 million miles.

Axial motion:

Axial motion of the earth's and their effects

The earth is also rotating on it axis west to east and take 24 hours to complete round on it axis. The side of earth that faces the light of the sun has day time and the other side of earth has night time.

Why different seasons on the earth?

The earth axis is tilted slightly at angle 23.5°. Due to this position it gives us four seasons (summer, spring, winter and autumn). The sun rays hit different portion of earth differently depending upon position of earth during it orbital motion.

Orbital motion and their effects on Seasons of the earth's

 The earth position is so that it tilted slightly toward sun (from June to august). The sun rays hit directly on northern hemisphere result summer in this region and winter in southern hemisphere.

The earth position is so that it tilled slightly away from the sun (from December to February). The northern hemisphere is little away from the sun. The sun rays hit less directly result winter in this region and summer in southern hemisphere. There is no difference between summer and winter close to the equator.

The earth position is so that the sun shines equally on both hemispheres (from September to November). The result is autumn in northern hemisphere and spring in other region.

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