Save Our Forest and WildLife

Save Forest and Wildlife ... Save Earth

We feel very shame on us when we see various animals in cages and in zoos to take advantage of animals and entertain the people who visit the zoo. Human think about their own benefit not about the animals that’s lives in captivity. 

SAVE Our Forest and Wild Life

 Forest and Wildlife is necessary to maintain ecological balance for maintenance of ecological balance on earth. Nowadays how selfish are the humans who take the animals in zoos as a source of entertainment to earn money.

SAVE Forest and Wild Life

 Animals should be kept in the natural habitats not in the captivity of human beings. In natural habitats animals live his life freedom fully. People must thinks about these animals it has also feelings just like human beings even they failed to express it. They have also likes and dislikes. No human beings like to be in the cages as well as no animals likes to be made captive. Circus is also a notorious place for animals where animals are trained to give performance in front of the lot of crowd. Circus is the worst place for the animals; animals are forced to do interested things to entertain the people. 

SAVE Our Forest  Life

Some animals are endangered today due to deforestation. Tigers and deer’s are endangered now in our country we should not hunt the animals in forests because their species are endangered. So we should ban in circus, hunting, and private zoos. To preserve the wildlife and the government should imprisoned the group of people who capt the animals for its own benefit.

SAVE Our Wild Life

 In schools students can play a very important role in the preservation of Forest and wildlife by spreading awareness about its importance. Strict law should be form for saving the animals and Forest, and the law breakers should be heavily fined and imprisoned. By this we will give a wonderful gift to the animals to live a happy and natural life on earth and we also improve our ecological balance.

SAVE  Wild Life and Our Forest

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